Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Self Regeneration of human organs future possibilities

Self-regeneration of human organs becomes possible with the help of mice
The self-regeneration of human body parts will not result in longevity. Instead, life will be healthy but short It looks amazing, it just defies imagination provided that it is true. Scientists created a miracle mouse that can regenerate amputated or badly damaged parts of its body. The new ability can keep a mouse alive after sustaining a deadly wound. It can look unreal to you yet a mouse can regenerate not only its tail or a damaged joint, it can also restore its heart. Brain is the only organ the mouse can not regenerate. As it turns out, any rodent will be able to regenerate its body parts once it is given an injection of cells from the miracle mouse.
The experiment with the mice was conducted by American researchers at Cambridge University. They say that they discovered the regenerating ability after they learned how to control a dozen genes in mouse's genome. Those genes are very likely to be found in DNA of the human organism. In other words, the future holds dramatic changes in store for science if the discovery is confirmed. The story began in 1998 at Cambridge University in the United States. A team of researchers headed by Elen Eber-Katz created a genetically modified mouse (code-named “MRL-mouse” for the experiment). Researchers pierced the mouse's ears for a start. The ears healed quickly, no scars. Then researchers cut off the limbs of the mouse, its tail. Everything grew back. The mouse can regenerate its heart and liver as well. The damaged cells of the heart tissue are replaced with the new ones pretty fast. The new cells function well and look exactly like the original healthy one in two months' time. “We found out that the cells of the MRL-mouse divide at a faster pace,” says Eber-Katz. “The cells live a shorter life, they are replaced with the new ones quicker than others. These factors seem to relate to their regenerating ability,” adds Eber-Katz. She speaks enthusiastically about the regular mice that became able to regenerate after getting a shot of fetal cells from the liver of the miracle mice. According to her, the “infected” mice can still regenerate after six months. So far only reptiles could regenerate on a very limited scale. You know, lizards shedding their tails. Mammals have no regenerating ability, they are more complex creatures and their ability to regenerate was lost because of complexity. Nature loathes simplicity and constantly tends to build more complex things, as somebody put it. However, complexity makes survival more complicated. Maybe man is the most complex creature nature can design. Chaos is the next option.
“There's no such thing as free lunch,” as the old saying goes. What man is going to sacrifice should he get a regenerating ability thanks to mice? Researchers who made the miracle mouse have a suspicion that the mouse could live a lot longer than its ordinary neighbors. It is still a suspicion because 1.8 years was the maximum age the MRL-mice were allowed to live to. Researchers are going to prove their assertion by running a series of experiments. The results may take them by surprise. In theory, there should be an opposite effect if cells' life is shorter and their replacement is quicker because every cell division wears out the DNA. Though the process of aging is not entirely clear, researchers already found the so-called telomera which largely measures out the length of our life. Telomera is a kind of a “tail” at the end of DNA's double spiral. It does not seem to contain any information on our body. Telomera grows shorter after every cell division (human being undergoes through nearly fifty cell divisions during a lifetime). Telomera disappears completely after the cells divide for fifty times. Then the DNA fragments carrying important information are cut off. Should a hypothetical ability for self-regeneration be bestowed on man, he will be running the risk of having a very healthy yet short life in lieu of longevity. And his DNA will be heavily damaged back in the reproductive age. I think it is about time somebody started talking about extinction.
On August 16th 2002, MEBO International Group's science explosion day, MEBO declared to the world that MEBO has discovered the secret of life continue and would finish the regeneration of human tissue organs in situ and in vitro in 5 years. In December 2005, MEBO International Group achieved two patents (Please check the official website of US Patent and Trademark Office at: 'Composition and Method for Culturing Potentially Regenerative Cells and Functional Tissue Organ in Vitro' and 'Physiological Tissue Repair and Functional Organ Regeneration by Cultivation of Regenerative Stem Cells in Vivo and in Situ' in two main technical platforms (Patent protection period is 21 years)! These two patents cover the ultimate goals in the leading edge of life science such as regeneration of cells, tissues and organs as well as searching for life regenerative materials, which realized the dream of organ regeneration held by all life scientists worldwide. These two patents confirmed our leadership status in cell and organ regeneration as well as in the field of regenerative nutrition. Standing on the perspective of Chinese cultures, these two patents realized the great renaissance of Chinese cultures in life science! These two patents indicate that: Chinese is now the leader in life science development, which has a history of almost 200 years. We found potential regenerative cells that could prolong human lives and invented life regenerative materials for tissue organs (sterol compound). We also set up a firenew medical system-tissue organ regenerative medicine and established a pathway to ensure human lives to achieve the life of cell, which is 300 years. The research direction of life science now transforms to a new direction established by MEBO. Medicine would change from the previous treatment targeting on diseased cells to a new field, which focusing on replacing diseased cells by regenerating new cells in situ, thus maintain the healthy condition of human cells. These two patents also indicate that: 1. Our living conditions would undergo essential changes after life regenerative materials were confirmed by the patents and all human beings would choose regenerative materials as important life food; 2. Human life period would increase 2-3 times after the regeneration of cells and organs; 3. Energy resource of human lives would redistribute and reallocate. These two patents also indicate that: the economic situation of modern world would be broken since the hasty exploration of life regenerative materials and economic investment would also focus on it. The point of economic explosion caused by life science explosion has come. These two patents not only established a new pathway as well as result in life science and medicine research but would change international business and even human's life styles. MEBO International Group wishes to explore the patented technologies with economic entities and countries worldwide to benefit all human beings!

regeneration (r-jn-rshn)
The regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs.
A Closer Look Regeneration of parts or, in some cases, nearly the entire body of an organism from a part, is more common than one might think. Many protists like the amoeba that have been cut in half can grow back into a complete organism so long as enough of the nuclear material is undamaged. Severed cell parts, such as flagella, can also be regrown in protists. New plants can be grown from cuttings, and plants can often be regenerated from a mass of fully differentiated cells (such as a section of a carrot root), which, if isolated in a suitable environment, turn into a mass of undifferentiated cells that develop into a fully differentiated organism. The capacity for regeneration varies widely in animals, with some able to regenerate whole limbs and others not, but the capacity is reduced significantly in more complex animals. Certain simple invertebrates like the hydra are always regenerating themselves. If cut into tiny pieces that are then mixed up, the pieces can reorganize themselves and grow back into a complete organism. Flatworms have the capacity to regenerate themselves from only a small mass of cells. If they are chopped up into fine pieces, each piece has the capacity to develop into an entire organism. Starfish, which are echinoderms, can regenerate their entire body from their central section and a single arm. Newts and salamanders can regenerate lost legs and parts of eyes, but many other amphibians such as frogs and toads cannot. Certain lizards can regenerate their tails. In many animals, these regenerated body parts are not as large as the originals but are usually sufficient to be functional. Many higher animals such as mammals regularly regenerate certain tissues such as hair and skin and portions of others such as bone, but most tissues cannot be regenerated. About 75 percent of the human liver can be removed, and it will regenerate into a functional organ. The physiological reasons for this are still not understood. Regeneration in this case takes the form of the enlargement of the remaining structures rather than the re-creation of the lost ones. Thus, there are four mechanisms for tissue regeneration in animals: the reorganization of existing cells (as in the hydra), the differentiation of stored stem cells into the specific tissues needed (as in the salamander), the dedifferentiation of neighboring tissue cells and their subsequent regrowth as cells of the needed type (as in plants as well as certain animals like the salamander), and the compensatory growth of the surviving cells of the specific tissue (as in the human liver). There is a great interest in stem cells because of their potential use in regenerating body tissues, such as nerve cells and heart muscle. The biochemical mechanisms for dedifferentiation are also the subject of intense study.

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