Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is there a role for routine screening for liver cancer?

Is there a role for routine screening for liver cancer?

from Jules: Patients who had cirrhosis and subsequently achieved a cure, SVR, should screen for liver cancer with an MRI every 6 months ongoing indefinitely as liver cancer can pop up years later. In fact some recent studies have reported cancer in patients who achieved SVR who had not yet developed cirrhosis before treatment, although unlikely.
"strong arguments can be made for routine screening. For example, the discovery of an liver cancer in the early stages allows for the most options for treatment, including liver resection and liver transplantation."
"all patients with cirrhosis, particularly cirrhosis caused by chronic hepatitis B or C, hemochromatosis, and alcohol, should be screened at six- to 12-month intervals with a blood alpha-fetoprotein and an imaging study. I favor alternating between an ultrasound and CT scan (or MRI)."

Personally I would like to add that I get blood work and an MRI every six months

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